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West Palm Beach Pet Owner Resources

Helpful Links for Our Clients

Summit Boulevard Animal Hospital provides these pet resources for information only. We are not affiliated with nor do we specifically recommend these organizations or websites. Always call us with questions.

Pet Adoption

Dogs of all ages are often abandoned in the Florida Everglades, home to many dangerous alligators and pythons. Thankfully, these dogs are rescued by Everglades Angels Dog Rescue. Please contact them directly at 1-800-511-DOGS to adopt, foster and or donate to help abandoned puppies and dogs. Everglades Angels Dog Rescue is the only rescue known to us to spend 100% of donated money on the rescue of abandoned pets. We strongly recommend donations to help them with their rescue efforts.

Please help us find loving, caring homes for the abandoned pets rescued by the Everglades Angels Dog Rescue. Many of these pets are now available for adoption through Summit Boulevard Animal Hospital. To encourage pet lovers to adopt homeless pets at our facility, we are offering 50% off vaccination packages for all pets that are adopted for the rest of their lives. We ask that you help us by spreading the news to your family and friends.

Pet Health, Behavior & Info Sites

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